Back to July 12
We're the Robots
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This level recreates the most famous track from Mega Man 9, one of the best iterations of the franchise. Catchy music, fast paced platforming based on mechakoopas, and Ludwig cosplaying as Dr. Wily trying to stop you in many different ways are the main ingredients of this level.

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The Col

The_Col is an italian 30 years old Mario lover who enjoys Mario games in every possible form. Speedruns, SMW kaizo, Mario Kart, chill playthrough… and Mario Maker of course! He finally found a level style he enjoys and he seems to be decent at in music levels. Ever since his childhood, he loved to transpose every existing videogame music on piano/guitar/flute/whatever instrument, and the passion for fast paced levels makes cheetah music autoscrollers a perfect fit. Last but not least, he loves Mudkips quite a bit.